Category Archives: Blogging

I Saved a Frog

I saved a frog this morning. He (or she) was on the ground near the office door. When I opened the door, he (or she) hopped in. He (or she) was small (~1.5 inches long) and jumpy, but I caught him and put him back outside.

I have always been partial to frogs. I remember in second grade, 2 or 3 friends (David, Danny, and Corey?) and I had a club called the Froggies. I’m not sure if my love of frogs pre-dated the club. Maybe it inspired the club? Who knows? I just know that I really like frogs.

And now a haiku:

Frog, jumping inside
Trying to join me at work
Frogs and work don’t mix

Rudely Awakened

Usually, my alarm doesn’t startle me in the morning. Today, was not one of those days. I must have been in a really deep state of sleep.

And now a haiku:

So deep, my slumber
Dreaming of the days gone by
Rudely awakened

Underappreciated Art Form

And now a haiku:

Dishwasher loading
Really an art form

Counting Syllables

And now a haiku:

Haikus are puzzles
Math poems that must conform
Counting syllables

Instrumental Please

I like a lot of progressive metal. I think bands like Mastodon are fantastic. There are some other bands, however, where I think the music is fantastic, but the vocalist just screams all the lyrics making it unlistenable to me. I just don’t enjoy that.

And now a haiku:

Aggressive music
Does the singer need to scream?
Instrumental please

Stories Have Two Sides

And now a haiku:

The smug kid explained
His version of the events
Stories have two sides

Frigid Temps Make Me Shiver

And now a haiku:

Cold day in Raleigh
Frigid temps make me shiver
Shortlived Arctic blast

Life Does Not Cooperate

And now a haiku:

Writing everyday
Life does not cooperate
Even for haikus

Too Much Content

And now a haiku:

Netflix, Hulu, Prime
Barfing out so much content
Binge me another

Small Lows

And now a haiku:

Small lows can get amplified
Control what you can