Author Archives: betteroffjed

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

And now a haiku:

The boy who cried wolf
To make us pay for the wall
Screams “Emergency”

Hero of Science

And now a haiku:

Oh, Harrison Ford
Hero of the silver screen
Hero of science


I am about 6 weeks into my weight loss plan. The first 3 weeks, I lost about 2 – 3 pounds a week. I did not think that I would keep up that pace, but I did not expect to have a plateau so soon. I spent the last two weeks bouncing up and down about 2 lbs. I will admit that my motivation lapsed a bit. Super Bowl Sunday and the leftover chips and cookies from my son’s Super Bowl gathering did not help either. I did not even log my food this past weekend and not keeping up with the daily lessons. I know that I did not go too far off track, but it has been frustrating to have the scale not continue to show progress. The Noom app does teach you to deal with lapses, so I know I just need to refocus and keep going and not beat myself about it. I had a good day yesterday and when I got on the scale this morning, I hit a new low. Plateau broken? I am not sure yet. I know that what I am choosing to eat these days is much healthier (and actually satisfying), so I am hopeful that I am back on track.

And now a haiku:

Recently plateaued
Fourteen days with no progress
May have busted through

Unbalanced Breakfast

My son had a friend sleep over on Saturday night and we did not have much in the way of breakfast foods for the next morning. We stopped at Harris Teeter after our Saturday night activities and my son and his friend went in while my wife and I waited in the car.

When they came back, I asked them what they bought. My son says, “Sugary bagels and protein drinks”. Sugary bagels? I was confused for about 2 seconds. “Oh…donuts! Good one. What about the protein drinks?” “Chocolate milk.”

And now a haiku:

Sugary bagels
Crafty way to say donuts
Unbalanced breakfast

State of the Union

And now a haiku:

State of the Union
Definitely did not watch
Stand Sit Lies Stand Sit

Not a Coincidence

I had several electronic devices fail within days of each other. Strangest thing. All the same brand battery. All from the same carton. When the first device failed (a Tivo remote), I thought it was weird because I had only changed the batteries a month earlier. Then, we had a wall clock stop working and I had changed that battery recently. Yesterday, the other Tivo remote and a wireless mouse failed on the same day. Coincidence? I think not.

And now a haiku:

Replaced batteries
Multiple devices failed
Explain Rayovac

Dynasty Intact

I was rooting for the Rams because I really like Sean McVay. I wish he were coaching the Redskins, but I do not think he could be successful with DC. I do not think any coach can be successful in DC under Snyder/Allen.

While I’m not a Patriots fan, you cannot deny their greatness. Six Super Bowls in the Brady/Belichick era. Even if you are not a fan, you have to appreciate the significance of that accomplishment.

And now a haiku:

Super Bowl Sunday
Not much offense to be had
Dyansty intact

Rudely Awakened

Usually, my alarm doesn’t startle me in the morning. Today, was not one of those days. I must have been in a really deep state of sleep.

And now a haiku:

So deep, my slumber
Dreaming of the days gone by
Rudely awakened

Underappreciated Art Form

And now a haiku:

Dishwasher loading
Really an art form

Counting Syllables

And now a haiku:

Haikus are puzzles
Math poems that must conform
Counting syllables