Dude, Where Is My Car?

Even though our house is about 50 feet from my son’s bus stop, he gets a ride to school every day. His best friend’s mom likes to drive her 3 sons to school and offered to take my son, too. They come around 8:35am, he goes on his way, and I continue my day working from home.

I got a text at 8:25am. My son’s best friend is sick and the mom took her other boys to school at 8am for book club. Would I mind driving my son to school? Of course not. No problem at all!

At 8:40am, my son and I walk outside and it hits me: My car is at the mechanic!!!

I was in full-on panic mode. The bus comes at 8:30am, so I am totally screwed. My son gets a big smile on his face and says, “Can I stay home today?” I actually thought of calling the mechanic-provided shuttle service.

I frantically text my son’s best friend’s mom and ask if I can borrow her car. She offers to drive and I feel terrible to have her do that. But, then I remember that the family that we car pooled with last year leave much later than this year’s car pool. So, I gave them a call as they were just about to leave the house. Whew!

Is it uncommon to forget where your car is first thing in the morning? Especially, before any coffee…that is…if I drank coffee. Google Maps says it would be a 40 minute walk to school, so I am just glad that I was able to get him a ride.

And now a haiku:

I can drive today
Why would that be a problem?
Dude, where is my car?

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