If I were Dan Snyder…

The controversy involving the Washington Redskins name has really been picking up steam the last few months. I have listened to both sides of the argument and agree with aspects of both sides. I was starting to fall in the ‘change the name’ camp and got to the point where I actually felt uncomfortable wearing my Redskins gear…until I read Rick Reilly’s article on the subject, which brought me back to reality.

Reilly’s article mentions a few high schools with predominantly Native American populations using the Redskins nickname (one even longer than the NFL team) and gives a compelling argument for not making an issue out of the name. After I read the article, I no longer have a problem wearing my Redskins gear. However, I still sympathize with people who oppose the name and think about the controversy whenever I don my Redskins hat.

As a lifelong Redskins fan, I am not one of those people who would be upset by a name change. I would be ok one way or the other (as long as the new name is cool and unique) and the team would still be ‘my’ team. What I am not ok with is the stance that Dan Snyder, the owner of the team, is taking. Earlier this year, he said,

“We’ll never change the name,” Snyder told USA Today. “It’s that simple. NEVER — you can use caps.”

That is a quote from a very stubborn, cold hearted man. Recently, he issued a letter to fans to try to soften his position on the issue. Basically, he used poll results and other facts to defend the team name. I just read it as a nicer way for him to say “NEVER”.

He would be forced to change the name, if:

  1. The other NFL owners force him to change it
  2. The Redskins trademark is revoked.

What would I do if I were Dan Snyder?

If I were Dan Snyder, my goal would be to keep the name. That much is obvious. However, besides the name being an issue, the people that oppose the name also object to the use of Native American symbolism. I would try to meet my critics halfway.

In my opinion, a redesign of the team’s uniforms and helmets is long overdue. Remove that dude’s head and the feathers from the helmet and replace it with a cool looking ‘R’. Remove all Native American symbolism from the franchise. The fight song, which has a Native American vibe because of the drum beat, should stay, but maybe rewrite the lyrics to remove the phrase “Braves on the warpath”. (Maybe “Men on the gridiron”. No, that’s just awful.)

Lastly, the struggles of today’s Native American population is well documented. As Dan Snyder, I would set up a charitable foundation to aid this country’s Native Americans using a fair portion of the Redskins revenue as well as taking donations from fans during games. Lastly, I would set up some kind of exhibit at FedEx Field honoring Native Americans.

To summarize:

  • Keep the name
  • Remove all Native American symbolism from the franchise (uniform, facilities, web site, etc.)
  • Fix the fight song
  • Establish a charitable foundation to aid Native Americans
  • Create an exhibit at FedEx Field honoring Native Americans

It may not make everyone happy, but compromises never do. If you can somehow divorce the team name from its Native American roots, then I think the critics will not have nearly as much to complain about.

And now a haiku:

‘Redskins’ should not hurt
The people that you honor
Time for compromise

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