My Awesome Weekend

Here’s a summary of my awesome weekend:

  • I worked outside planting shrubs on Saturday morning. The heat and humidity was stifling. My shirt was soaked through with sweat and I actually thought I was going to pass out at one point because the air quality was so bad. I actually felt like I was having difficulty breathing. I only got halfway done.
  • In the evening, I went to my daughter’s dance recital. It was in a high school. The air conditioning in the auditorium was not working. While the recital was mostly enjoyable (I find ballet extraordinarily boring…luckily, ballet only made up about 10% of the recital), it was rather uncomfortable. My in-laws left right after my daughter’s performance about halfway through the 2nd act because my mother-in-law couldn’t take the heat.
  • We drove home from the recital in a rather intense thunderstorm. It was not raining very hard, but the skies were black and there was quite a display of lightning.
  • We arrived home to find the electricity out in our neighborhood. I have an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) for my HDTV and Tivo Series 3 and the backup battery was still working, so it probably went out just before we got home. We could’ve watched TV for about 10 – 15 minutes, but I thought it’d probably be a better idea to plug in a lamp, so we could see what we were eating for dinner.
  • The electricity did not come back on until 6am Sunday.  It was very warm and uncomfortable during the night. My son insisted on using his comforter. I guess he’s not used to sleeping without any covers. I’m sure he was sweltering.
  • I woke up at 2am on Sunday with some stomach “issues”.
  • A phone call from my home security company woke us up at 4am on Sunday. They said they received a distress call. Since the electricity was out, I’m not sure how that could’ve happened.
  • My wife and I argued about whether we needed to throw food away in the fridge. She was for…I was against.
  • The electricity went off again from Sunday 10am to 1:30pm.
  • My father-in-law’s 70th birthday was yesterday. I left the celebratory BBQ/party early because of my stomach “issues”.
  • My wife came home from the party and complained that I didn’t have the AC low enough for her. It didn’t seem to matter that I had it set on a temperature that was comfortable for me while I was alone in the house. Fighting over the thermostat is a common theme in my house.
  • The electricity went off again Monday from 4am to 4:30am. When the electricity goes off, the alarm system keypads beep to tell you it was disconnected from the power. It scared the hell out of me and I woke up with a jolt, which caused me to scratch my cornea again. My eye still hurts and my vision in that eye is a bit blurry. I’m hoping it will clear up tomorrow.

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