Expiring TiVo Amazon Unboxed Credit

If you registered your TiVo with Amazon Unboxed video download service when they were offering the $15 credit, that credit is due to expire at the end of this month.

I can’t say I’m totally impressed with the service thus far (my only complaint is video quality), but it’s not terrible either.  I’ve bought one episode of a TV show and rented 3 movies.  Just having the video downloaded directly to your TiVo is pretty cool and convenient.  If they would adopt a Netflix-like rental model and offer HD downloads, then it’d be perfect.

I had $12 of my credit left (although I’m wondering how considering I’ve spent about $5 so far) and was looking for something to waste it on.  I settled on V: The Original Mini Series, which actually includes both the first and second mini-series.  It was about $20, so I had to shell out another $8, but for “classic” early 80s sci-fi television, I think it was money well spent.

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